TypeScript vs JavaScript

5 min readOct 28, 2020

What’s the difference between TypeScript and JavaScript? Which is better, Typescript, or JavaScript?

TypeScript and JavaScript, who didn’t hear about those words? so what’s TypeScript? What’s JavaScript? What are the differences between them? When to choose Typescript and when to choose JavaScript? What to learn first? Who’s more paid, a TypeScript developer or a JavaScript developer?

Here the learning plan for this article:

  • What’s JavaScript?
  • What’s TypeScript?
  • What’s data tells us about TypeScript and JavaScript?
  • When to choose TypeScript or JavaScript?
  • Which one to learn as a web developer?

Let’s get started!

What’s JavaScript?

Everyone who uses web applications has used JavaScript behind the scene. Have you seen some information showing and hiding by clicking on a button? Or a button’s color-changing when the mouse hovers over it? Or animation, countdown, slides …etc.

Well, all of these beautiful dynamic interactions create a beautiful user experience. And that’s what changed the web apps and made JavaScript one of the most popular core technologies.




A passionate software engineer and Angular GDE. I love to learn, help & share ❤. Find more about me here: 🔗 www.fatimaamzil.com.